Wessex Magical association - in flames


For General information about the WMA

Secretary, Steve Bowring
e-mail secretary@wmagic.co.uk
President, Andy Scarratt
e-mail president@wmagic.co.uk
Magazine, "The Flame" articles or to ask questions

Editor, Currently vacant
e-mail flame@wmagic.co.uk
Council Members
Andy Scarratt
President Elect
Chris Howat
Noel Spreadbury
Steve Bowring
Roger Barton
Nick Baverstock
Tony Elsom
Chris Howat
Rob Jayne
Stuart Risdale
Other Officers
Publicity Officer
Steve Bowring
Richard Lawson
"Flame" Editor
Currently vacant
Welfare Officer
Stuart Risdale
Librarian & Webmaster
Roger Barton
Social Media Officer
Chris Howat
All council members and officers of the WMA are honorary.
andy scarrett
Andy Scarratt
noel spreadbury
Noel Spreadbury
steve bowring
Steve Bowring
nick baverstock
Nick Baverstock
tony elsom
Tony Elsom
chris howat
Chris Howat
rob jayne
Rob Jayne
richard lawson
Richard Lawson
stuart risdale
Stuart Risdale
roger barton
Roger Barton